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gang fighting中文是什么意思

用"gang fighting"造句"gang fighting"怎么读"gang fighting" in a sentence


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  • Super straightforward fighting game did super latest three appearances to a gang fighting to overcome it , the ultimate proof killer strength
  • Introduction : super straightforward fighting game did super latest three appearances to a gang fighting to overcome it , the ultimate proof killer strength
  • Gang fights aside , how did you find working with the rest of the cast including nicholas tse and sam lee who you ' d later work with on gan - x cops
  • Rio , which has one of the world ' s highest murder rates , was rocked by violence last week as rival drug gangs fought for control of drug distribution points in city slums
    里约热内卢市拥有世界上最高的谋杀率,上个周又遭到了暴力行为的震撼? ?两帮贩毒团伙在城市的贫民区为争夺对毒品分散据点的控制权展开械斗。
  • Although successful police action in 2002 has resulted in some triad gangs pulling in their horns , incidents involving triad - related violence , such as showing manpower , gang fights or taking revenge had increased
  • Initial enquiries revealed that the weapons belonged to the triad group who was found active in kowloon west and the shop in cheung wong road was used as a storage for weapons which would be used in settlement talks and gang fights
用"gang fighting"造句  
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